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Work-Life Balance (my version)

Work-Life Balance (my version)

October 19, 2017


I had written that the happiest life is having a balanced life. As we know, people named it work-life balance. It’s not just about working for a certain number of hours a day and then have the same amount of hours for life such as reading book, watching tv, doing exercise, or doing something laziness, but how you can manage between your work” (career and ambition) and “lifestyle” (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development/meditation) so can make your life worth it and meaningful.

I think I almost have my work-life balance.

1.    Work

Honestly, at first, I want to be successful women in her career. Be a leader at a young age, smart, and famous. I am struggling to reach it. But I realize, that doesn’t suit me. Too ambitious just leading you to depression. It made me stressed and exhausted. Sometimes too focused on chasing your goal made you not enjoy your current life. You can’t appreciate something you have got. I often ignore it. So, just do the best, with no high expectation, and enjoy your job. And surprisingly you will get more than enough, more than your wish. Because I wouldn't to spend the rest of my life just to work. Helloooww, there are so many things we must try and enjoy. Haha..

2.    Health

I try to always have breakfast. Eat something healthy food, like vitamin and fruit. I eat honey every morning. It is good to boost the immunity. Then I do exercise. Okay, it is so hard to do it every day. So I join Yoga class every week. I have been to Gym class before, but it doesn’t suit me, mostly for the person who is skinny like me.

3.    Pleasure and Leisure

Doing something you really love is the best thing. I like to reading book, now reading through the e-book. Free e-book from iJakarta. Then writing, watching tv, go to the cinema, chit-chat with friends and your boyfriend, visit a new cafe, try some new foods, etc. Or sometimes do traveling to some places. Just doing something make you refresh. Then beside my main job, I am on my journey to be a freelance writer. I Like writing, so much. It can express my self, figure out my thought, do something meaningful.

4.    Family

Family always come first. I won’t regret that always busy with my own life then don’t have enough quality and quantity time with my family. So I try to back home per two weeks and make some conversation with all my family about work, new issues, life and everything. Going traveling together, having meal outside, etc

5.    Spirituality

Everything that makes you happy depends on how your spirituality. I try to do best. I join "pengajian", although it always doesn't fit with my schedule. Then Alhamdulillah in my office there is pengajian too every month. Then we make group Whatsapp that like 1 Day 1 Juz. We read Holy Quran every day. Alhamdulillah.

So this is my work-life balance. I hope I can be a better person day by day.