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What I feel to be PPIC?

What I feel to be PPIC?

26 April 2013


Production planning and inventory control.

I have graduated from college and I have never worked before.

To be PPIC is my first job. In the beginning i dont understand what is PPIC. What is the job desk of PPIC. I dont understand about manufacture.

I think job desk of PPIC just make a planning of delivery goods. But, it is more complicated.

I have to know about inventory control, i have to know about process production, i have to know about delivery process. I have to know about marketing. I have to recognize buyer,. So i have to know about everything. Oh,my God. It is like i am the owner, haha,,,..

It is hard, so hard.  I am fresh graduate. But i have to lead whole of manufacture. I have to lead a lot of people that smarter, more have experience than me. It is difficult.

Up and down. It is what I feel. Like jet coaster, hehe

To be PPIC, you must bridge between production and marketing. You are arranging the order of raw materials, arranging  the  production process, counting the capacity of production, make planning of delivery goods, lobbying buyer,

But, it is fun if you enjoy it.

PPIC  is not about whether you smart or not, but it is about working hard and mentallity. To be PPIC is hard, and the matter is about time and process. To be a good PPIC  you have to learn  a lot and have a good mental.

PPIC is the best job, i think.

 You will smarter, have a lot of experience, and maybe someday you can be a manager. Who’s know??

It is Waw,,